is being adopted by professionals in 6,000+ organizations
We provide the most recent, available key financial data points of private companies directly in the tool to help your search. We also augment our dataset to offer financial data estimates to companies not disclosing financial data. Our estimates are based on market-leading estimate inputs. With data from hundreds of millions of active companies, you can benefit from the most accurate and extensive company dataset in the market. provides unparalleled coverage in ownership data, featuring a global dataset that encompasses more than 330 million entities across a vast array of countries, along with corporate global ultimate owners (GUO), subsidiaries, executives and more.
Our AI Insights feature allows users to dive deep into the core of any company. With, you are only a click away from understanding fundamentals such as business descriptions, products & services, market niches, and business models. helps professionals identify and analyze companies and related markets faster, with the help of interactive AI. Currently, we help finance professionals across industries search and analyze intelligently, using a global database of 330m+ companies. Our users save time and improve analysis quality by finding more relevant companies faster.