Company news

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Company News
December 29, 2023

2023 Year Review

We capped off 2023 with major growth and recognition: world's largest company database, 15K+ users globally, won Nordic Fintech Award.
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Company News
May 22, 2024

Recognized by the US Chamber of Commerce

Our AI-Powered Solution Recognized for Enabling Effective Competitive Analysis
Company News
March 28, 2024

20000 registered users!!!

AI-Powered Solutions Driving Rapid Adoption Across Industries
Company News
January 16, 2024 Rising Finnish Startup has been recognized as one of the 33 rising AI startups in Finland by Seedtable.
Company News
November 9, 2023

Advanced Search Improvements

You can now filter out companies with negative keywords and include all companies with positive keywords
Company News
September 28, 2023

Nordic Fintech Winner has been awarded the New Entry category at this year's Nordic Fintech Week Awards by Copenhagen Fintech
Company News
August 9, 2023

New Features Released!

Now you can easily find companies using their website URLs and stock tickers.
Company News
June 12, 2023

Neudata Summit at Neudata New York Summer Data Summit
Company News
June 1, 2023

World’s Largest Active Company Database

We now have the world's largest active company database
Company News
March 9, 2023

Grandone 2023 Finalist as finalist the Best User Experience category at Grandone 2023!
Company news
February 23, 2023

AI Insights Release

We just released the AI Insights to our Premium users!
Company news
May 25, 2022

We received Business Finland financing

Business Finland has decided to finance our mission with $600k, bringing our total funding to $1.4m!
Company news
January 26, 2022

Announcing our $700k pre-seed round

We raised $700k to build an AI-augmented company analysis platform
Company news
November 1, 2021

Public Support has received support from the European Regional Development Fund
Company news
October 14, 2021

Our Beta is Live!

We launched the beta version of our platform to early adopters
Company news
July 16, 2021

Morningstar collaboration

We partnered with Morningstar to provide global equity data
Company news
May 27, 2021

Reaching our first milestones

After founding the company in March, we are reaching our first milestones